OGR Eassy - Repulsion (1965) - Roman Polanski

Repulsion (1965) - Roman Polanski
OGR Eassy by TING ZHAO on Scribd


  1. Hey Ting,

    The really important job this assignment has to do is give a really complete definition of 'the monstrous-feminine' for the reader. They need to be able to understand what it is, what it isn't and then they need to understand how it relates very specifically to the character of Carole. When you presented on this subject previously, I must say I found it hard to alway see 'how' the 'cracks in the walls' etc related back to the specific concepts of the monstrous-feminine. I'm not saying that the don't, I'm just saying the linking between the ideas wasn't 100% clear and this is what you need to concentrate on for your essay. I was hoping to see your structure where you had supporting quotes etc so I could see those connections in your plan and how you were going to evidence them...

    Short version is, yes, as far as this structure goes, I can see a very interesting assignment about Carole as the monstrous-feminine, but you have to make sure you give proper time and attention to explaining Creed's ideas and then demonstrate very clearly how you're using those ideas in relationship to your various observations.

    (oh yeah, you mean 'raw rabbit meat' not 'row rabbit meat').

    Just for your convenience and easy reference


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