Fantastic Voyage丨OGR 1

FV OGR1 by TING ZHAO on Scribd


  1. OGR 14/03/2019

    Hey Ting - okay, so you've made your decision for your scenario... but what are your creative ideas in terms of how to tell this story/teach this information in a way that will be fun and exciting for school kids and also make them think about the future and their responsibilities too? Can you get some ideas on here for me too? Thank you!

    1. Hi Phil, I just noticed you reply my OGR, here is the idea for my project:

      The basic idea is many creatures eaten the plastic by mistake then they dead.
      Main character is a high school student.
      The first part is the scenes he used the different plastic project.
      Second part: One day he woken up. He found he is not in the home. He noticed he is in a strange place, everything is made by plastic. He walked on the street, he felt very scared. Because everyone in here they can’t be described as Human. They have human body, but their head are animals. They didn’t wear the cloth, they covered by different plastic.
      He felt very depress, he just run away. He run a lot, and stopped, because he felt very uncomfortable. He felt something will come out from his throat. He wants to vomit, but there is something clogged his throat, so he put his hand in the mouth for ferret out the things. He ferrets a big plastic bag. His eye become very big, and he felt there something still clogged in his throat. He can’t breathe and clutch his neck, and dead.

    2. Hi Ting - just dropping by to discuss this idea further: so in simple terms, you've got a high school student who ends up in an alternate world which teaches him something about the problem of plastic. I think at the moment, your story has no 'hope' and 'no escape' and I think this will mean that teachers will not use it and young people will not like it. If you think about Dickens story 'A Christmas Carol', Scrooge is given a second chance at the end of the story - he is shown the error of his ways, and he is given the opportunity to make positive changes. Maybe your high school character isn't thinking about his throwaway plastic habits, but is then taken to witness the problem (under the sea) and upon his return, he decides to start recycling?

      The other issue is avoiding complex human characters as 3D models because you won't have the experience to create them in the time available to you. You need to be more clever than that, and use your production design sensibly. One idea might be to start your film in 2D - like a comic strip - and then, when the character visits the other world, that's when you move into 3D, and then you return to the comic strip at the end when the character is back in the 'real world'... You need to think about a way to a) improve the message of your film to encourage people to think about solutions and changes to their habits and b) think about how you're going to actually make your film - a combination of 2D animation and 3D animation seems very sensible to me!


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